Thursday, August 25, 2011

Why Farmers Are Embracing Social Media: the #AgChat Story

This article is taken from 'Good Business' magazine.

Image(cc) by Flickr user Per Ola Wiberg ~ Powi.

Rural isolation is a thing of the past, says Madeleine Lewis, as social media opens new windows of opportunity for farmers around the world.
She grew up on a dairy farm, bought her first calf when she was seven, and her husband is a dairy nutritionist. So when British farmer Michele Payn-Knoper was stumped by her Holstein dairy calf not weaning, she did what any self-respecting 21st-century dairy person would: She went onto Twitter to get some advice.
Within 20 minutes she had six ideas. One of them (to put grain directly into the milk) solved the problem and, one year later, her calf has just been bred—a social media success story.
Michele is the founder of AgChat, a moderated Twitter discussion that takes place every Tuesday night. Since its creation in 2009, nearly 10,000 people from ten countries have attached the hashtag #agchat to their tweets, or joined in to discuss issues and share ideas related to food and farming.
It's a long way from the perception that Twitter is "just about what people are having for lunch," and with use of the platform growing at over 1,000 percent a year, it doesn't seem to be going away. The majority of British farmers—56 percent—are now using the internet according to the U.K.'s National Farm Research Unit's 2010 survey.

Phil Gorringe—aka 'FarmrPhil' on Twitter—runs a mixed farm in Herefordshire, England. It's the most sparsely populated county in England, with the fourth lowest population density. For people living and working there permanently, especially farmers working out in the fields most of the day, often alone, that can be isolating.
Gorringe believes social media is a great way to tackle that isolation. As he puts it: "Social media gives a mental advantage when farming isn't going so well. In the last few years we've been dealing with lower prices for our products, difficult weather conditions, and bovine TB. It can be a lonely place. Through social media I can share my problems and realize that others out there have problems too. It makes you feel better."
He's not the only one. Alabama dairy farmer Will Gilmer tweeted his day's work—"209 milked, three bred"—and heard straight back from Ryan Bright in East Tennessee: "all 100 milked and two bred before breakfast." 'Farmerbright' then tweeted that his newly-repaired silo auger—an apparatus to shift grain—is still holding together, and got an offer of a new one for sale.
But farmers are not just reaching out to each other for support. Social media is also a powerful way of talking directly with consumers. For Gorringe and his wife Heather, aka 'Wiggled,' social media has also helped to get an important second income stream off the ground.
Heather runs Wiggly Wigglers, a natural gardening mail order business and online information source in the U.K. for everything from composting to water management. When she puts up a Wiggly offer on her Facebook page, she'll get 30 to 40 orders within an hour and a half, and 7 percent of her website visits are driven from Twitter. It's a very cost-effective form of advertising, she says.
She's not alone. Phil Grooby, of Bishops Farm Partners of Lincolnshire, England, started using Twitter to show consumers what it takes to get peas from the field to the table. Grooby belongs to a pea vining group that harvests about 900 acres each year. He finds social media "a useful tool when it comes to setting the record straight and showing people how farmers care for the countryside."
'FarmrPhil' agrees. "Twitter is the perfect medium for farmers to engage in differential marketing in a world of commodities." Offline, he confides: "We don't do horrendous things as farmers, but we've been brought up to be terrified of the outside world seeing in. It's been a pleasant surprise that when we tell our story via social media people aren't horrified by what we do—it's shown me that there's no need for secrecy."
Social media also offers farmers the opportunity to engage directly with policy makers. "It gives us a level playing field that we've never had access to before," says Phil. "Recently a senior conservation spokesperson wrote on his blog that he didn't trust farmers to carry out the Campaign for the Farmed Environment (an industry initiative to improve biodiversity and resource protection on farms). I challenged him on it and he apologised and changed his blog."
So is social media just a fad? For Payn-Knoper, the answer is unequivocally 'no.' She says it has been a "cultural shift" to connect farmers and help them get the word out about food production. That's why last year she was part of founding the AgChat Foundation with a handful of farmers passionate about social media. The nonprofit aims to empower a connected community of 'agvocates,' by training farmers to use social media. In August 2010, it organized Agvocacy 2.0, gathering 50 people from the agricultural industry to advance their social media skills at this application-only conference. They have plans for more of the same, along with outreach to the non-ag public.
But Payn-Knoper also believes there is a challenge ahead: "The next big thing for social media and farming is a way for information to be more effectively managed through social hubs. Many people are just at the point of information overload."
At Farming Futures we started to use social media about a year ago to do just that, creating a hub for useful information, news and views about climate change and farming from people across the agricultural sector. We run a user-generated blog, reach out to communities on Twitter to do research and share ideas, and make use of other tools and platforms such as Audioboo and Slideshare to share our information in more accessible and interesting ways. Social media can't take the place of face-to-face communication, so we still run very popular on-farm workshops—but it's a great way of getting people along.
Madeleine Lewis is Creative Communications Manager at Forum for the Future. A former radio and online broadcast journalist and producer at the BBC, she co-manages Farming Futures.
Image(cc) by Flickr user Per Ola Wiberg ~ Powi.

Author: Nancy Beth Guptill
Founder of Sweet Spot Marketing Canada
Marketing & Social Media Training Consultant
Twitter: @SweetMarketing

About Sweet Spot Marketing: Sweet Spot Marketing is a new media marketing training and education company that lives by the motto "It is better to know than to think you know, there is power in knowledge". We have a host of education programs in the areas of digital technology, new and social media, marketing automation, creativity, commercial innovation and entrepreneurial thinking. To learn how we work with government, business organizations and corporate clients, please book a complimentary assessment appointment:

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Gender Diversity In the Technological Workplace

Sweet Spot Marketing is pleased to announce our involvement with the "Women's Summit" conference that is taking place in Moncton, New Brunswick September 14-15. 

The ICT Sector in Atlantic Canada is experiencing growth and there are many employment opportunities for skilled ICT workers in Engineering, Health Sciences and Financial Services.

If you are a High School Student, University Student or underemployed woman and you want to learn about the opportunities available in these sectors, we highly recommend this conference which is bringing together top level speakers, industry stakeholders, women organizations, governments, educational institutions.

Below is the conference agenda. 

Agenda at a glance

September 14-15, 2011
Ramada Plaza Hotel
Dieppe, New Brunswick

Wednesday, September 14
5 pm           Registration
6 pm           Networking Cocktail
                  Word of Welcome
7 pm           Speed-dating Banquet
                  Keynote Address
                  Jane Craighead, Senior Vice President
                  Total Rewards, Scotiabank

Thursday, September 15
7:30 am       Breakfast

8:30 am       Setting the Stage: Technology is

9:00 am       Plenary Round Table I: How
                   Technology is Changing the World
                   of Work
·      Sucharita Eashwar, Senior Director, NASSCOM, India
·      Sally Ng, Community Engagement & Outreach Coordinator, Tech South East
·      Wes Armour, President and CEO, Armour Transportation Systems
·     Vinita Ananth, President, Vangal, India

10:30 am     Health Break

11:00 am     Plenary Round Table II: Health
·      Suzanne Robichaud, Vice-President, Primary Health Care, Vitalité Health Network
·      Dale Weil, Senior Vice President, Integrated Healthcare Solutions and Pharmaceutical Solutions, McKesson Canada
·      Lori Marshall, Vice President, Thunder Bay Regional Health Sciences Centre
·      Trisha Coady, President,

12:30 pm     Networking Lunch

1:30 pm       Feature Address
                   Lynn Roger, Senior Vice-President
                   Talent Strategies and Executive
                   Resourcing, BMO Financial Group

2:30 pm       Plenary Round Table III: IT and
·      Robin Drummond, Vice President of Sales, Speilo
·      Theresa Williams, CEO, Atwood Technology inc.
·      Lily Durepos, Owner, Alliance Assurance and Technologie Keal inc.

4 pm           Wrap-up

Programme en bref

Les 14 et 15 septembre 2011
Hôtel Ramada Plaza
Dieppe (Nouveau-Brunswick)

Mercredi, le 14 septembre
17 h         Inscription
18 h          Cocktail de réseautage
                Mots de bienvenue
19 h          Banquet « rencontres éclair »
                Conférencière de marque
                Jane Craighead, vice-présidente
                principale, Rémunération globale,
                Banque Scotia

Jeudi, le 15 septembre
7 h 30       Petit-déjeuner

8 h 30       Mise en contexte : La technologie
                est sans frontières

9 h            Plénière en table ronde I:
                Comment la technologie
                transforme le monde du travail
·       Sucharita Eashwar, directrice principale, NASSCOM, Inde
·       Sally Ng, coordinatrice de l'engagement et des relations communautaires, Tech Sud-Est
·       Wes Armour, président et chef de la direction, Armour Transportation Systems
·      Vinita Ananth, présidente, Vangal, Inde
10 h 30       Pause-santé

11 h           Plénière en table ronde II : Sciences
                 de la santé
·       Suzanne Robichaud, vice-présidente aux Soins de santé primaires, Réseau de santé Vitalité
·       Dale Weil, vice-présidente principale, Solutions intégrées de santé et Solutions pharmaceutiques, McKesson Canada
·       Lori Marshall, vice-présidente, Centre régional des sciences de la santé de Thunder Bay
·       Trisha Coady, présidente, /Medsenses

12 h 30       Dîner de réseautage

13 h 30       Conférencière de marque
                 Lynn Roger, première vice-présidente, 
                 Stratégies de gestion des talents et
                 Renouvellement de la haute direction,
                 BMO Group financier

14 h 30       Plénière en table ronde III : TI et
·       Robin Drummond, vice-président des ventes, Speilo
·       Theresa Williams, PDG, Atwood Technology
·       Lily Durepos, propriétaire, Alliance Assurance et Technologie Keal inc.

16 h           Conclusion

For more information:
Women’s Summit Secretariat
Tel.: (506) 861-6340, 1-800-680-1211
Fax: (506) 855-1646

Visit us on :


Twitter Hashtag: #WomensSummit

Renseignements et inscription
Secrétariat du sommet des femmes 
Tél. : 506-861-6340, 1-800-680-1211
Fax : 506-855-1646
Courriel :

Hosted by / Présenté par:
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Author: Nancy Beth Guptill
Founder of Sweet Spot Marketing Canada
Marketing & Social Media Training Consultant
Twitter: @SweetMarketing

About Sweet Spot Marketing: Sweet Spot Marketing is a new media marketing training and education company that lives by the motto "It is better to know than to think you know, there is power in knowledge". We have a host of education programs in the areas of digital technology, new and social media, marketing automation, creativity, commercial innovation and entrepreneurial thinking. To learn how we work with government, business organizations and corporate clients, please book a complimentary assessment appointment:

Monday, August 15, 2011

Improve Communications & Workplace Productivity by using the Power of Social Media and Web Applications

A trend we are beginning to see within our client base is using Social Media and Web Applications to improve communications and enhance work productivity. We are working with companies and industry groups to address these two main business goals by designing custom digital training programs for their staff and members, as they view it vital to invest in digital upskilling.

We can help you accomplish goal and strategy development in your use of digital technology, new & social media and web applications, whether for business marketing purposes, customer relations and engagement, improving communications and workplace productivity.

Need Help?  Call 902-724-3330 or book online at:

Author: Nancy Beth Guptill
Founder of Sweet Spot Marketing Canada
Marketing & Social Media Training Consultant
Twitter: @SweetMarketing

About Sweet Spot Marketing: Sweet Spot Marketing is a new media marketing training and education company that lives by the motto "It is better to know than to think you know, there is power in knowledge". We have a host of education programs in the areas of digital technology, new and social media, marketing automation, creativity, commercial innovation and entrepreneurial thinking. To learn how we work with government, business organizations and corporate clients, please book a complimentary assessment appointment: