Tuesday, January 1, 2013

The Best Way To Predict Your Future Is To Start Creating It Today!

Create Your Future

The best way to predict your future, is to start creating it today.  Think of where you would like to be in your business or career 5-10 years from now, and act today as though you are living that future NOW!  By doing so, you will attract into your life the people, friends, mentors, resources, tools and opportunities into your life that you need to help you reach your ultimate goals, both personally and professionally.

Author: Nancy Beth Guptill
Founder of Sweet Spot Marketing Canada
Digital Marketing & Social Media Training Consultant
Twitter: @SweetMarketing
Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/SweetMarketing

About Sweet Spot Marketing: Sweet Spot Marketing is a new media marketing training and education company that lives by the motto "It is better to know than to think you know, there is power in knowledge". We have a host of education programs in the areas of digital technology, new and social media, marketing automation, creativity, commercial innovation and entrepreneurial thinking. To learn how we work with government, business organizations and corporate clients, please book a complimentary assessment appointment: http://sweet-spot-marketing-canada.genbook.com

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